Friday 17 August 2012

Tatin of tomatoes mozzarella.

Listened to the French radio today and heard this rather fantastic idea of revisiting this old recipe and making a "Tatin" with the famous tomatoes mozarella dish!
Here it is:
1 pack of puff pastry
6/7 big tomatoes
1 Ball of buffalo mozzarella.
A hand full of basil ( the small leaf one if you find it better)
1 pinch of sugar
Olive oil
Salt and pepper.
Pre-heat the oven at 180 degree C.
Cut the tomatoes in half with the stalk at the top and empty the seeds and juice.
In a Tatin dish (or ceramic dish) pour some olive oil in the bottom and put the tomatoes head down side by side, quite tightly. Add a bit more olive oil on the top with salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar.
Put the dish in the oven for 30 minutes or until cooked.
Pierce the puff pastry a lot! And lay it on the tomatoes folding the sides as much as you can..
Put back in the oven for 30mins and meanwhile, cut the mozzarella in slices.
Take the dish out of the oven and lay the mozzarella on top when the tomatoes are still hot (you can put the dish back in the oven a little bit to help the mozzarrella to melt, but not too much to keep a nice appearance).
Finish with the basil and eat warm or cold.
Bon appetit!

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